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5 Fun-Filled Activities to Encourage Outdoor Play in Children

In today’s technology-driven age, kids seem more attracted to screens than the scenery outside. However, as parents, educators, and carers, we recognise the immense benefits of outdoor play for our little ones. Miss Libertine believes in embracing the magic of the great outdoors and encouraging children to explore, play, and grow amidst nature. Let’s delve into why outdoor play is essential and how we can make it an everyday joy.

Why the Outdoors is Good for Children (and People in General)

Physical Health

Outdoor play gets the blood pumping. From running around to climbing trees, these activities enhance cardiovascular health, improve muscle strength, and help maintain a healthy weight.

Development of Motor Skills

Playing outdoors aids in refining motor skills. Whether it’s balancing on a beam or catching a ball, these actions contribute to a child’s physical development.

Vitamin D Boost

Sun exposure, in moderation, provides children with Vitamin D, which is crucial for bone health and immune function.

Mental Well-being

Nature has a calming effect. It helps in reducing stress, anxiety, and improves mood. Moreover, being outdoors fosters creativity and imagination.

Learning about Nature

Interaction with the natural world instils a sense of wonder and an understanding of ecosystems, fostering environmental consciousness.

5 Ideas of Fun Outdoor Activities To Do With Children

1. Garden Treasure Hunt

Create a list of items for kids to find in your garden or park. It could be as simple as a pinecone or a red leaf. This activity hones observation skills and curiosity.

2. Nature Art

Collect leaves, twigs, and flowers. Using these, children can create their artwork, be it portraits, landscapes, or abstract pieces.

3. Outdoor Sports

Classic games like cricket, footy, or even just throwing a frisbee around not only keep kids active but also teach teamwork.

4. Gardening

Allow children to have their small patch in the garden. Planting seeds, watching them grow, and understanding the process can be immensely satisfying.

5. Camping in the Backyard

Set up a tent in your backyard. Spend the night under the stars, telling stories and enjoying the simple pleasures.

Best Foods To Eat While Outdoors With Children

  • Sandwiches: Opt for whole grain bread with fillings like ham, cheese, lettuce, or egg salad. They’re easy to pack and loved by most.
  • Fresh Fruits: Pack a mix of berries, apple slices, or grapes. They provide a refreshing and healthy snack option.
  • Veggie Sticks with Hummus: Carrots, cucumber, and capsicum sticks paired with a tub of hummus make for a crunchy, delightful treat.
  • Mini Quiches: Prepare them a day before, and they serve as a delicious and filling option.
  • Homemade Muesli Bars: Packed with oats, nuts, and dried fruits, they’re a hit among kids and give them the energy they need for play.

Make The Most From the Outdoors For Everyone’s Wellbeing

The great outdoors is not just a space outside our homes. It’s a vast playground, a classroom, and a place of wonder for our children. Embracing outdoor play ensures holistic development, creating memories that last a lifetime. As Miss Libertine advocates, let’s step outside, breathe in the fresh air, and cherish the world of opportunities awaiting our kids in the embrace of nature.